Sparks. Shadows, a world of darkness. There is no light to scare the creatures that hide, to illumination to share the beauty of colour,...
Just published my first book!
Paradise, Sunset and Nothingness is a 20k word compilation of short stories, some of which you have seen on this site, which I have just...
Shriek. A blood curling scream drifted through the air as the hunter’s scythe left a harrowing hole in the wraith’s torso. He fixed his...
Doves. White as the most luminous pearl, their feathers soft and silky to the touch. These doves covered the cobbled ground like the...
Sorry! I haven’t uploaded in a month due to a multitude of reasons. Life kinda got in the way, exams, tons of school work, the holidays...
Triple update part 3: A blade in a ballet
A blade in a ballet. He flourished, his control of the blade was majestic; the silver weapon twisted and span around his body; elegant...
Triple update part 2: The crystal kingdom
The crystal kingdom. My shoes tapped against sapphire road as I looked up at the azure sky, my feet carried me towards the arena in which...
Triple update part 1: The blank Canvas
The blank canvas. No sight had I witnessed before that was so tranquil, and so pearlescent; the world stretched out before me, every...
Guardian. I always thought that Jimmy Grape was just another friend of mine, another person in my painfully average life, until of...
The Blastwave
The blastwave. The forest sang under the breaking dawn as morning dew ripped from the emerald blades of grass that swayed slightly in the...
Artificial Artificial, and yet more real than anything. His light filled the room, as he stood on his little podium. She was of flesh and...
Only Human
Only human. “This is the first case of an android killing its master, why?” The coffee mug in my hand was warm, my eyes were stinging,...
The Leviathan
The Leviathan. My eyes widened in fear as I saw it through the large window of my station, Valhalla. I drifted across, closer to the...
Lonely road
Lonely road Pitch black, the night, swirling around me as I walked. Her smiling face, laughing as she skipped and giggled, her auburn...
Colour “Have you ever tried to describe colour to a blind man? No? I have. It’s difficult, that is, it’s difficult because colours are...
Lightspeed. Every day I looked in the mirror and thought, is this me? Really? A scrawny sixteen year old with a baby face and small round...
Paradise, and the cold dark
Paradise, and the cold dark She clumsily rose to her feet, the scent of roses surrounding her, enticing her with sweetness. This garden...
First short story
Thought I’d post some short stories every week or so, keep the blog interesting whilst I wait for more news. The beauty of a heartbeat. A...
A second reply? So early!?
I got a second reply from Distinguished Press! This is so exciting! It means nothing at the moment, but It’s just so cool! I’ll keep you...
A reply! Gahhhh!
I got a reply from Samhain publishing! They said they wanted to see more so that they could decide on whether they want to see a...
Beginning the publishing process
Book is finished! Been working on it since March, happy to have it done but now I don’t know what to do with all this free time… I’ll...