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Artificial, and yet more real than anything. His light filled the room, as he stood on his little podium.

She was of flesh and blood, and moved around her house with footsteps and breath.

He was but millions of bits and bytes of data, a network of information that could travel instantly to any point in the world; his body, however, a simple hologram; made of light.

Her heart pumped blood around her body, moved her muscles, allowed her to live. To breathe. She moved with an elegant gait, danced across his vision with liveliness.

Their differences meant nothing to their love. Even though she could never truly hold his hand, even though he would never feel her warmth, their love carried on. The connection between them was real, their bond transcending the real world and becoming something more… Eternal. A connection that needed no touch, that needed only words, and care.

He was told he was artificial; he was told that he would think himself to death in a short eight years, but it didn’t matter. Every second he spent with her was worth a lifetime. His only regret would be that he would have to leave her after such a short time, a lonely road lay ahead of her, and yet she continued to smile. Her radiant beam cut through the worry, through the doubt, and led him forward.

He knew the probabilities of every single outcome; of how this would end for her; of how it could end for her. She didn’t care. He didn’t care. They were together now, and that was all that mattered.

Everyday, until that day that he would become too much for himself, for his knowledge to be too much for his own mind to contain; every day until then they would spend in happiness. He may have been artificial, but this love was more real than anything in the world.

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