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Lonely road


Lonely road

Pitch black, the night, swirling around me as I walked. Her smiling face, laughing as she skipped and giggled, her auburn hair flashing under orange light. Trees lied the path ahead, before a barricade that connected to the road. So quiet, so tranquil, yet something felt so eerie. The darkness that followed us was both a blessing and a curse. Her innocent beam cascaded a protective light over me, rejuvenated my darkened soul. My hatred of the world and my suspicion washed away in her light. Her soft hazel eyes locked with my boring onyx orbs, a hand ruffled my raven hair, and her lips pressed against mine; although brief. The beautiful scenery that was hidden by darkness beckoned us to follow; I walked with her hand intertwined with mine.

The blaring was far too distance for me to care, a minor disturbance in a peaceful night. Something I regret so strongly now; something that I could have fixed on that night had I not been so infatuated with her beauty.  The lights were the first things I noticed. I glanced to my left, the car speeding toward the wooden barricade. Her beautiful hazel orbs widened in fear as her mind processed the event. My mind sped ahead, the darkness ran in fear as the light sparked.

I could have saved her. I could have jumped in the way, pushed her, grabbed her and pulled her. But my feet were locked in place, and my muscles could not work fast enough. The side of the car hit me, knocked me into the darkness, into the trees. She was not so lucky, as the full weight of the car smashed into her ribs, and destroyed everything inside. Her corpse tumbled across the pathway, her beauty smeared by death. That same pathway still brings darkness to my heart, even with the light bearing down on the bloodied tarmac.

Hope you enjoyed!


© 2022 by Thomas Pass.

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