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Book release!

I just got confirmation that my book Jonathan will be published by Pegasus Publishing on the 25th of June! If you’re interested you can preorder the paperback here:

The blurb:

“Her twinkling green eyes were looking out upon the field, at the squirrels dashing across the trees and the rabbits wiggling their noses, whilst her fingers coiled around her pen, sharply slashing small lines into the page.”

Jonathan has been drawing since he was a young boy sitting beside his mother, etching rabbits and trees into his notebook. Throughout his youth, he created stories with brushstrokes, and worlds with colours. Winning the prestigious London Ashurst art competition means that his dreams of becoming a successful artist have come true.

Every painting on his canvas tells a story, a story that all who see his work can experience in exquisite detail. With his success he decides to travel the world to find more inspiration for his art, but there is more to life than being successful, and Jonathan’s journey forces him to search just as deeply within.

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